Our Origins

Where everything began…

Built in the early XIX century the Farmhouse of Salamó (“Mas de Salamó” in catalan language) gave name to a forest rich area close to the right margin of the Ebro river.

It was in these lands where a humble household of farmers started to shape a landscape of gentle valleys and hills into the olive tree fields that we still cultivate nowadays. It took the work of men, horses and mules but after decades of planting trees and plowing the ground it became a fruitful plantation as reward to their perseverance.

We would like to use this opportunity to introduce Mas de Salamó, one of the finest olive oils of the Mediterranean Basin, but also a little tribute to those who made it possible through the work of many generations.

Farmers as long as we can remember

Our family has cultivated for more 6 generations the olive groves that feature the landscape of the Ebro Valley, deep-rooted fields that since the Middle Ages until modern days have been producing one the most exquisite olive oils of the Iberian Peninsula.

We think now it is time to show our legacy and reveal the qualities of this special product.